I knew I wouldn't be good at updating this blog! I've been SO busy at work that I just come home and want to spend every minute with Mason and Jaden. At the beginning of January we had Jaden's blessing

We are so grateful for all of the family and friends that came out to support us! I was worried Jaden would scream during the blessing, but he slept right through it! Good boy :)
He is growing up SO fast.

He loves to suck his thumb...I'm not exactly sure what to do about that. I've heard all the negative's about thumb sucking...buck teeth, etc. Although, I have buck teeth and I never had the thumb sucking issue, so maybe he's stuck with it either way. I have to say, it does keep him much more content. We've tried the binky...but he never seems to keep it in his mouth.
Now we are working on getting him to roll over. He is SO close...but just not quite there.
Here is a photo of the pajamas we have him wear so that he doesn't suck his thumb all night (and poke his eyes). I know he looks like he's going to cry...don't worry we gave him a big hug after we took this picture.